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Does Every Indian Feel They Have Equal Justice Under The Law?

In democratic country like India there must be a well established legal system which helps the people to get legal id or can Ask A Legal Question to get redressed of anything wrong happening against that person, the legal system keeps the eye on each and every actions of the organ of the democracy such a executive and legislature the presence of these organs help the citizens to build a trust and get protected by their presence

As per the Article 39A of the Indian Constitution, which says about equal justice which clearly indicates that justice is that which is available to all, the justice is not only available for the elite class or the upper class it’s available to every individual even if he is poor.

It is clearly mentioned that the legal system should operate in such a manner that it maintain and provide equal opportunity to everyone, if people from different parts of country like Kolkata, Hyderabad, Mumbai can opt for the justice to be provided, if any injustice happens, they can choose Criminal Lawyers In Hyderabad or the Criminal Lawyers In Kolkata or the civil lawyer depending upon their matter and ask the legal question and will be helped by the legal personality to get justice.

Natural justice is based on the principle of audi altrem partem which denotes that both parties have the right to be heard on their cases.

There are also the provision for weaker section of the society or poor section of the society who don’t have enough money to pay the litigation cost to get justice therefore the state ensure that every individual should get equal opportunity to be heard and help them to get justice, they have the right to ask the legal question to the criminal lawyers in Hyderabad, criminal lawyers in Kolkata etc wherever the person is resident of, we all know that India is a country where every individual cannot hire a an advocate, there are many person who are not able to manage their own expenses so the cannot bear the litigation expense but this does not mean they have no right to get or avail justice, there are provision under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, where the NALSA that is National Legal Services Authority or the SLSA that is State Legal Service Authority or the DLSA District Legal Service Authority provides the free legal aid to the needy people who want to get justice.

The concept of free Legal Aid and equal justice was incorporated in the Indian Constitution in 1976 under the Article 39A but the complete discussion is not incorporated in the section and thus in 1987 the central government then came up with the new legislation that is known as the Legal Services Authorities Act. 1987, also gave that, as per the section 12 of this act the SC and ST are eligible to get the free legal service or free legal aid to get justice they ask the legal question to the criminal lawyer in Kolkata or the criminal lawyer in Hyderabad or other parts of the country.

We all know not everyone is satisfied with the decision of the court everyone cannot be justified if the individual is not satisfied there are the Hierarchy of the courts if the person is not satisfied with the decision of the lower court then he can further move to High Court and if also not satisfied with the decision of the High Court person can further move to Supreme Court to avail justice, therefore we can say that the Indian law provide equal opportunity to every individual or every Indian Citizen.

How Can Lead India Help?

Lead India will help you to provide full fledged information regarding the legal aid services and also there is the section of Free legal Advice where you can ask legal questions and the team of Lead India will help you in getting justice.

Call Us: - +91-8800788535


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